We welcome you to Networking Now. It's getting together with like minded local entrepreneurs. Doing business together, creating momentum and reciprocating referrals for mutual growth. As part of our network, you literally grow an unstoppable marketing team for your business when you participate and truly reach out to help others.


Networking NOW Power!

Have you tried building your business by yourself? It's time to be part of a team that has the power to take your business to the next level.






Call to Action

The NOW Process

NOW stands for "Networking Our Way" or as many have come to term it personally, "Networking My Way". Imagine a group of like-minded individuals with a common goal. Think about the power in that! The reason a group like this is so effective is because of the synergistic aspect. You can't stop a team/group that meets weekly and is laser focused like this!

It's very important to run an organized meeting. We are all busy people and have work to do. It's our intention to make sure that the meeting process is smooth, organized, and no one is left out. Everyone has an equal platform to educate their fellow members and to specific in the type of business they're looking for. The better each individual can be at their "ask", the better your network will be to foster business growth.

Every meeting starts with an open network style of greeting visitors and your fellow members. You can: Talk to new people, get to know each other better, follow-up with referrals to get more information and/or have timely responses to those customers. This is a time that you don't want to squander because you'd be amazed at what takes places during this time!

This is the moment when you get to actively give referrals to your fellow members and give personal testimony of how well a fellow member did on reciprocated business that you gave them. Giving and getting referrals plus giving and getting testimonials is part of the process. We do our best as a team with people that we know, like and trust.

We've all had those moments in doing business with another company and the follow-up was either non-existent or delayed to the point of frustration. Part of our process is to make sure that follow-ups are timely and communication is open and honest. Repeat business won't be as likely if this process is not given a high priority.

Why Choose NOW?

Engage a personal team of people with the sole purpose of giving away from your self. A team like this is not to be taken lightly. We have given ample thought to the importance of putting others first. You truly gain more when embracing the spirit of a giver without any thought towards the attitude of "what's in it for me". Become a giver, whether monetarily, in personal time, or an open heart to listen. Follow this pattern and not only will you build a team but also life-long friendships.



Embrace the attitude of a winner!


Work to be an effective team player!


Take the steps to tip the scale for growth!


See measured actions produce breakthroughs!